About me
Welcome aboard foreigner,
I'm Andrea Corriga (obviously), Ph.D. and Software Engineer currently live in Sardinia, Italy.
You can find me on every social or videogame with the username AsoStrife.
I'm a function Int32Array() { [native code] } old boy with several passions including sports, music, videogames and programming. I regularly practice body building in my personal home gym, swimming and I have been playing the electric guitar since I was eleven. I approached the world of programming when I was 8 years old trying to make my first website with very poor results. My first attempt to make a website was a terrible Fanbase Pokémon site with only one image as background repeated on the X and Y axis and a text that said:"Benvenuti sul più grande sito di pokemon del mondo!!" translated: "Welcome to the world's largest Pokemon site!!" all done with with FrontPage 2003. My dreams of glory ended when I wanted to publish the site online, faced with so-called FTP credentials, which at the time I had no idea what they were.

My favourite video game is Final Fantasy VII and in particular I love the Final Fantasy saga. Starting from this passion at the age of sixteen I launched my first website related to the world of Final Fantasy called FFStory (Final Fantasy Story) which was a repository of guides, solutions and discussions regarding the various chapters of the Final Fantasy saga and Kingdom Hearts. Despite my inexperience, the site achieved a certain notoriety with more than 10k unique monthly views, 300 active users on the forum, dozens of users in the live chat and +16k likes on the Facebook page. I've reuploaded the site just for fun at http://ffstory.andreacorriga.com .
At that time, I personally wrote the Final Fantasy VII guides, copying them from the 1997 official guide. Due to my young age I didn't check the sources and the contents inserted by the other contributors of the site, so as a disclaimer I say that some contents could have been copied from sources, up to this day, unknown to me.